💾 ZipStream-PHP

Available options

Here is the full list of options available to you. You can also have a look at src/ZipStream.php file.

use ZipStream\ZipStream;

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$zip = new ZipStream(
    // Define output stream
    // (argument is eiter a resource or implementing
    // `Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface`)
    // Setup with `psr/http-message` & `guzzlehttp/psr7` dependencies
    // required when using `Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface`.
    outputStream: $filePointer,

    // Set the deflate level (default is 6; use -1 to disable it)
    defaultDeflateLevel: 6,

    // Add a comment to the zip file
    comment: 'This is a comment.',

    // Send http headers (default is true)
    sendHttpHeaders: false,

    // HTTP Content-Disposition.
    // Defaults to 'attachment', where FILENAME is the specified filename.
    // Note that this does nothing if you are not sending HTTP headers.
    contentDisposition: 'attachment',

    // Output Name for HTTP Content-Disposition
    // Defaults to no name
    outputName: "example.zip",

    // HTTP Content-Type.
    // Defaults to 'application/x-zip'.
    // Note that this does nothing if you are not sending HTTP headers.
    contentType: 'application/x-zip',

    // Set the function called for setting headers.
    // Default is the `header()` of PHP
    httpHeaderCallback: header(...),

    // Enable streaming files with single read where general purpose bit 3
    // indicates local file header contain zero values in crc and size
    // fields, these appear only after file contents in data descriptor
    // block.
    // Set to true if your input stream is remote
    // (used with addFileFromStream()).
    // Default is false.
    defaultEnableZeroHeader: false,

    // Enable zip64 extension, allowing very large archives
    // (> 4Gb or file count > 64k)
    // Default is true
    enableZip64: true,

    // Flush output buffer after every write
    // Default is false
    flushOutput: true,

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